Differentiation opportunities in Survivalcraft: The Maze Runner & Lord of the Flies

I created two infographics to share my ideas for differentiation with Survivalcraft:  The Maze Runner & Lord of the Flies.  I hope you enjoy them as much I enjoyed making them!

The Maze Runner

In Scenario 1, student teams can draw a design of their maze including dimensions and possibly even some traps!  Students can also research the power and uses of redstone in Minecraft and incorporate moving parts of the maze into their design.  Students could also create sections of one maze that connect to one another through the moving parts.  For their wiki, students can write a journal entry as a Creator and describe the elements they included without giving away their secrets!

For Scenario 2, students can build a series of hidden tunnels within their community that may be discovered by the trainees.  I also thought it would be fun for each team to develop a vocabulary for their community; one that trainees won’t necessarily understand right away but could still figure out from their reading of the text (and if they had to create vocabulary in their own communities).  Vocabulary could be included as signs or books in the maze but should also be written on the wikis; students would also get the option to submit their writing as a scouting report from a Beetle Blade.

For Scenario 3, students can create their own community badges to award to any trainee that completes their maze.  Students could also collect statistics on their maze – the average number of attempts taken solving the maze, average and/or fastest time taken to solve the maze, total distance covered in the maze (counted by blocks) and used to calculate average pace of trainees that completed the maze (blocks per second or minute).

Survivalcraft DI - TMR by @rockislandgirl8 Apr 3 2014

Lord of the Flies

In Scenario 1, I included some ideas for tasks that could work for either teachers or students.  They can research the time period in which the story takes place.  Supplemental content could even include pictures, maps, major events, etc to provide context and detail for the task of building the home communities of the boys.  A town or neighborhood (community) brochure could be created from screenshots and descriptions of the boys’ daily lives and activities at home.  As students are starting out the experience, they (or the teacher) can keep a running list of Minecraft tips and hints to share knowledge of the game and help lesser experienced players (which could include the teacher!).

In Scenario 2, I shared some ideas for teacher tasks in supporting students.  Teachers can build a chain of islands in their chosen area and allow each team to stake their claim on an island.  The islands do not need to be far apart but rather could be close enough to see others around them.  I also suggested that teachers can use tools in the game to remind students of their scenario tasks – books, signs, assignment description, etc.  And finally, if teachers are able, they should allow more time in this scenario for the “culture” of each community to develop and evolve.  Extra time could also include pockets of time throughout the day or week that students may log on to work on tasks; those that need the extra time would benefit and be able to gain confidence in engaging more with the content.

In Scenario 3, I highlighted ideas for creating symbols – concepts/themes, emotions, relationships, opposites or lessons learned.  I also included some bonus writing prompts at the end to give options for writing a wrap up of the experience!

Survivalcraft DI - LOTF by @rockislandgirl8 Apr 3 2014

For my diffi-tool during Survivalcraft, I’m going to keep working on wiki Student Resource pages for both experiences.  I will observe students in the game and provide tutorials and support through a wiki page.  I’d also like to have some discussion element on the Resource page where students share ideas, tips, and comment on events in the game.  I think using a wiki should encourage collaboration and interaction outside of the game as a way to continue the experience in an “open” environment.  Up until now, the wikis have not been utilized as much as they could be and I want to provide information and support in a way that is easily accessible to students.  I also plan to post pictures (screenshots) from each day in the game, which students are welcome to use on their pages if needed.

4 thoughts on “Differentiation opportunities in Survivalcraft: The Maze Runner & Lord of the Flies

  1. I loved your infographics! They really walk you through the scenarios and what your expectations are for them throughout the scenario. Are you running a group? This would be awesome to have them follow these guidelines. Very well done and thought out. I like that you are going to be available for the students if they need help. Posting pictures is a great idea. I would be interested to hear how many students use it and look through it. Make sure you advertise enough, so they know it’s there if they need you and to look after to see posted pictures.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I really like that you added more writing for the students to do. Instead of just their experience through the scenarios. I love the brochure idea and the journal writing. The math stat’s idea is fantastic. Way to integrate math into this activity as well. I really hope the wiki’s get used more this time around. It will be interesting to read the results from the students on what they think about the books and possibly compare their experience to the Giver. It won’t be the same, but if they are engaged…etc like students were last time. Great infographics!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I agree about LOTF scenario two–allowing cultures to emerge would be something that could naturally occur within the game, and it is what I’m basing my differentiation on. I just hope they can make it work, and that they’ll have the time!

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  4. Mia, not only are your infographics beautiful, but the opportunities for differentiation are amazing! I really appreciate the way you included the “wiki writing” for both novels…and your writing prompts for LOTF are fantastic! You include some really interesting approaches, too — “inventing new vocabulary” for The Maze Runner and symbol development for LOTF are both really creative and should certainly be engaging for students. VERY impressive! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

Any thoughts, feelings, opinions, suggestions?